from Prescient Software

For Software Developers - Technical Writers - Web Designers * Text Files - Program Sources - HTML

Free Download & Trial:
MergeRight 2000
(Uses JFC/Swing)
MergeRight Classic
(Uses AWT/JDK 1.1)

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Prescient Software manufactures and sells one product, "MergeRight", a software application for comparing and merging text or source files. This kind of sot;, a software application for comparing and merging text or source files. This kind of software is typically used in parallel software development, as a replacement for diff, fcompare and similar utilities, and used with version control or software configuration management systems but has many other applications in areas from technical writing to multi-part contracts as well. Keywords: ile merge, file comparison, file difference, merge, comparison, difference, diff, diff3, fcompare, versioning, version control, configuration management, software configuration mangement, CM, SCM, RCS, SCCS, concordance, parallel development, branch, revision control, check-in, check-out, repository, Razor, Perforce, ClearCase, SoftLab, Visual Enabl